Source code for docker.manager

import logging
import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict
from time import sleep

from docker import errors
from docker.helpers import execute

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Docker(object): """ Docker manager which can start and stop containers in addition to run commands with docker exec. The manager also have a few helper functions for things like listing files and directories. """ def __init__(self, image='ubuntu', name_prefix='dyn', timeout=3600, privilege=False, combine_outputs=False, env_variables=None, ports_mapping=None): """ Creates a docker manager. Each manager has a reference to a unique container name. :param image: The image which the manager should use to start the container. It could be a local image or an image from the registry. :type image: str :param name_prefix: All image names are prefixed with this string. :type name_prefix: str :param timeout: The time the docker container will live after running ``docker.start()`` in seconds. :type timeout: int :param privilege: If set to True the docker container will be run with the privilege parameter. :type privilege: bool :param combine_outputs: Setting this to True will put stderr output in stdout. :type combine_outputs: bool :param ports_mapping: Map ports from docker container to host machine, format ['4080:40480', '5000:5000'] :type ports_mapping: list :return: A docker manager object. :rtype: Docker """ self.container_name = '{0}-{1}'.format(name_prefix, uuid.uuid4()) self.timeout = timeout self.image = image self.privilege = privilege self.combine_outputs = combine_outputs self.env_variables = OrderedDict() if env_variables: self.env_variables.update(sorted(env_variables.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) self.ports = '' if ports_mapping: self.ports = ' '.join(['-p {0}'.format(port_mapping) for port_mapping in ports_mapping]) def __enter__(self): return self.start() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): self.stop() if exc_value: raise exc_value
[docs] def run(self, command, working_directory='', stdin='', login=False, tty=False): """ Runs the command with docker exec in the given working directory. :param command: The command that should be run with docker exec. The command will be wrapped in `bash -c \'command\'". :type command: str :param working_directory: The path to the directory where the command should be run. This will be evaluated with ``_get_working_directory``, thus relative paths will become absolute paths. :type working_directory: str :type stdin: str :param login: Will add --login on the bash call. :type login: boolean :param tty: Will add -t on the bash call. :type tty: boolean :return: A ProcessResult object containing information on the result of the command. :rtype: ProcessResult """ working_directory = self._get_working_directory(working_directory) command = command.replace('\'', '"') command_string = 'cd {working_directory} && {envs} {command}' if self.combine_outputs: command_string += ' 2>&1' env_string = ' '.join([ '{0}={1}'.format(key, self.env_variables[key]) for key in self.env_variables ]) result = execute( 'docker exec -i{tty} {container} bash{login} -c \'{command}\''.format( envs=env_string, container=self.container_name, login=' --login' if login else '', tty=' -t' if tty else '', command=command_string.format( working_directory=working_directory, command=command, envs=env_string ) ), stdin ) return result
[docs] def read_file(self, path): """ Reads the content of the file on the given path. Returns None if the file does not exist. :param path: The path to the file. :type path: str :return: The content of the file :rtype: str :raises DockerFileNotFoundError: If given an invalid path :raises DockerWrapperBaseError: For other errors """ path = self._get_working_directory(path) result ='cat {0}'.format(path)) if not result.succeeded: if errors.FILE_NOT_FOUND_PREDICATE in result.err: raise errors.DockerFileNotFoundError(path) raise errors.DockerWrapperBaseError(result.err) return result.out
[docs] def write_file(self, path, content, append=False): """ Write the given content to path. Overwrites the file if append is set to False. :param path: The path to the file. :type path: str :param content: The content of the file. :type content: str :param append: Set to False to overwrite file, defaults to False. :type append: bool :return: A object with the result of the create command. :rtype: ProcessResult """ path = self._get_working_directory(path) modifier = '>>' if append else '>' return'cat {0} {1}'.format(modifier, path), stdin=content)
[docs] def file_exist(self, path): """ Checks whether a file exists or not. :param path: The path to the file. :type path: str :rtype: bool """ path = self._get_working_directory(path) return'test -f {0}'.format(path)).return_code == 0
[docs] def directory_exist(self, path): """ Checks whether a directory exists or not. :param path: The path to the directory. :type path: str :rtype: bool """ path = self._get_working_directory(path) return'test -d {0}'.format(path)).return_code == 0
[docs] def list_files(self, path): """ List files on a given path. :param path: The path to the directory. :type path: str :return: An list of file names :rtype: list :raises DockerFileNotFoundError: If given an invalid path :raises DockerWrapperBaseError: For other errors """ path = self._get_working_directory(path) # `grep -v /$` matches everything that doesn't end with a # trailing slash, i.e. only files since `ls -p` is used: result ='ls -p | grep -v /$', path) if not result.succeeded: if errors.FILE_NOT_FOUND_PREDICATE in result.err: raise errors.DockerFileNotFoundError(path) raise errors.DockerWrapperBaseError(result.err) return result.out.strip().split('\n')
[docs] def list_directories(self, path, include_trailing_slash=True): """ List directories on a given path. :param path: The path to the directory. :type path: str :return: An list of directory names :rtype: list :raises DockerFileNotFoundError: If given an invalid path :raises DockerWrapperBaseError: For other errors """ files = [] path = self._get_working_directory(path) result ='ls -dm */', path) if not result.succeeded: if errors.FILE_NOT_FOUND_PREDICATE in result.err: raise errors.DockerFileNotFoundError(path) raise errors.DockerWrapperBaseError(result.err) for file_path in result.out.strip().split(', '): if include_trailing_slash: files.append(file_path) else: files.append(file_path[:-1]) return files
[docs] def start(self): """ Starts a container based on the parameters passed to __init__. :return: The docker object """ if self.privilege: command_string = 'docker run -d --privileged {0} --name {1} {2} /bin/sleep {3}' else: command_string = 'docker run -d {0} --name {1} {2} /bin/sleep {3}' result = execute(command_string.format( self.ports, self.container_name, self.image, self.timeout )) if not result.succeeded: raise errors.DockerUnavailableError( 'Starting the docker container failed.\n{0}'.format(result.err) ) return self
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops the container started by this class instance. :return: The docker object """ sleep(2) execute('docker kill {0}'.format(self.container_name)) execute('docker rm {0}'.format(self.container_name)) return self
[docs] def wrap(*wrap_args, **wrap_kwargs): """ Decorator that wraps the function call in a Docker with statement. It accepts the same arguments. This decorator adds a docker manager instance to the kwargs passed into the decorated function. :return: The decorated function. """ def activate(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with Docker(*wrap_args, **wrap_kwargs) as docker: kwargs['docker'] = docker return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return activate
@staticmethod def _get_working_directory(working_directory): """ Gets the path of the working working directory. It takes a path and converts it to an appropriate absolute path. :param working_directory: :type working_directory: str :return: An absolute path to the given working directory. :rtype str: """ if working_directory.startswith('/') or working_directory.startswith('~/'): return working_directory return '~/{}'.format(working_directory)